2012 WOW Newsletters
- Now Energy
- The Cognitive Wheel of Oneness
- Merging into Loving Consciousness
- Happy Leaping
- Spring Equinox Energy Portal
- Peaceful Perfection of Joy
- Ascension Portal 2012
- Creation Portal
- Happy Feminine Energy Day
- Happy Honor Day
- Happy Feminine Energy Day
- Crossroads
- Balance of Implode and Explode
- Yin Yang Balance
- The Dimmer Switch
- Release Defensiveness
- New Perspectives
- Grace
- The Synergy of Loving Consciousness
- The Truth Portal
- Happy 2012 Celebrations
Now Energy – January 7, 2012
Monday is the first full moon of 2012. It is the opportunity to release the final emotional baggage that you have been holding onto. Many of you have been given the opportunity, especially in the last several months, to come full force front and center with your judgments and righteous thoughts. It is crucial, in order to fly forward in 2012 with vibrancy, that you release all of the final thoughts about yourself that are anything other than love for the beautiful light essence that you are.
What if we were to tell you that everything you desire in your life is waiting outside of the door to your light. Every complaint, every judgment, every unkind word, every insult you think about yourself, every doubt, every fear, every angry thought, every lie, every non-truth, every sarcastic remark, every sneer or snide comment, every time you gossip, etc. the door of joy, abundance and manifestations is blocked from opening and in some cases kept locked. If you want to manifest in this clear space of creativity energy open in your galaxy right now, you must release all of the above and any thoughts that resonate in the same frequency as the thoughts above.
Let us make it even clearer — whatever thoughts you are thinking at any moment will immediately seed and take hold to grow in your life when you think them. You are in NOW energy. That is the opportunity and consequence of this ascension process and the energy pattern your universe is shifting into. This is the structure that will flow in the Age of Aquarius that arrives in less than a year. You are close enough in timeframe that this structure is already falling into place. What you think will manifest quickly. Choose those thoughts from love and you will be dancing joyously in your heart light and dreams come true. If you continue to choose negative thought patterns and join in to the fear based conversations of your world, you will manifest lots more of the same.
If this message scares you, then you have thoughts to clean up and release. If this message excites you, congrats, you are in the process of flow, creativity and the joy of 2012.
The Wise Ones
The Cognitive Wheel of Oneness – January 22, 2012
Your planet is currently being affected by solar flares. These may affect each of you in varying ways. You will be feeling fatigued, lethargic, anxious and overly emotional if your body is out of balance. However, if your body is in balance, you will be feeling hyped energy levels. Whichever is the case, it is important to stay centered at this time.
Stay centered by eating foods that will ground you, but be careful not to eat too much. Too much food will cause you to feel heavy, weighted down and lethargic putting your system into an unbalanced state. Get plenty of rest. Do not feel guilty if you want extra sleep right now. Your body needs it while these electrical jolts are pulsing into Earth’s atmosphere and all beings energy fields. Also, meditating to connect with your spirit will assist you in staying centered and peaceful. Most importantly, trust that all is right with the world. Send love to Mother Earth and your sun to powerfully support the two of them in getting through this adjustment period of galactic changes.
We have said it before and we will say it again. What you think, speak and the actions you take do matter. They make a difference in your life, community, country, planet, galaxy and universe. We recommend that you listen to Karen’s radio show from today and the wisdom she received from the moon. You are each a cog in the wheel of your humanity, which is a cog for planet Earth, which is a cog in your galaxy, which is a cog in your Universe … creating part of the massive cogwheel made up of all the universes working simultaneously in synchronistic flow with all that is. Oneness is not simply you and your neighbor or your higher consciousness. Oneness is the synergism of all molecular movement in the multiverses.
You will be affected by the energy coming from the sun’s solar flares, moon cycles, weather patterns, disasters, financial system collapses and wars regardless of where you live because you are all connected on a massive cogwheel of matter. So yes, dear ones … you matter!
The Wise Ones
Merging into Loving Consciousness – February 11, 2012
Energies are shifting weekly now. You will find that the energy each week varies; allowing opportunities to experience either a smooth flow of emotions or a release of old thought systems and beliefs that keep you separated in fear and distrust of life and others. If you ask your higher consciousness and focus on whether your thoughts feel peaceful or uneasy, you will be able to distinguish if you are in your heart center of love or in your mind center of ego. In the higher vibrations, it will continually feel more and more uncomfortable to stay in any kind of ego, fear based or judgmental thoughts patterns. Attempting to control a situation will be exhausting. Being irritable will become explosive. Anger will make you feel hot physically and mentally. Grief will shut you down if you refuse to accept what is. Not knowing how to love you will cause debilitating depressions.
There are many layers to the emotional energy that surrounds your physical carbon structure. Healers often refer to these as “layers of an onion”. You can unpeel them one at a time going round and round over and over again revisiting deeper levels of the same emotions with each layer. For those who have been doing this type of healing for years, it feels like the onion will never end. But that was the most accessible healing structure available to humans during the Age of Pisces.
It is important to note that the layers represent lifetimes of stored emotional memories. Sometimes you can heal a column of the same emotional issue by forgiving, accepting and unconditionally loving one incident in this life that transcends all layers. Most often, people heal one layer at a time as they unfold. If in fact you really have learned to unconditionally love that particular thought pattern – the result of forgiveness – then you will easily move through any similar experiences without getting emotionally attached. But it can be a long, tiring process.
With the full moon of February 7, 2012, you are now in a new phase of dealing with emotional memories. This phase is about merging. Instead of unraveling layers, you can melt, mold, synergize, recreate and expand those layers of emotional experience. We hear you asking “how”? When you have a thought that is anything but joyful, loving and exciting, ask the thought what it is here to teach you and then listen. Bless the thought, situation, experience, conversation or event with love and gratitude. Ask how to align and flow with it. This will require an ability to accept, allow and appreciate whatever is. Be gracious with yourself. Some things will easily shift and others will take multiple opportunities. The more you can work with the whole picture rather than the individual thoughts and feelings, the more you will start to merge, mold and reshape your thought patterns into new waves of creation with the universe. Scientists would call this process alchemy; wizards would call it magic; A Course in Miracles would call it a miracle and Christians would call it Christ Consciousness. God calls it “Loving Consciousness”.
What you choose to call it matters not. The end result of peace, joy, love, ease and flow with all that is does matter. You are now free to accept, merge, shift, align, float and play in the light of Loving Consciousness. Let go of the layers and mold into the new heart centered you!
The Wise Ones
Happy Leaping – February 25, 2012
A new wave is almost here. Hold on, you can make it! The energies will be settling down, smoothing out and more easily manifesting with the Spring Solstice on March 20th. We will discuss that more in the next newsletter. What is important to talk about today is the significance of February 29th – 2012′s Leap Day.
February 29th is a significant day. It is “free/extra time” so to speak. Yes … you still have to go to work if your job requires you to be there. Unfortunately, in your material world structures, spiritually significant events are not addressed or understood. However, for those reading this newsletter, the power of the 29th will be heard, understood and appreciated.
In a year that is catapulting you to a new clean slate of spiritual expression, the 29th of 2012 is an important portal/moment of time to create from. We will liken it to the Bermuda Triangle. Ships cross through it and nothing happens. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, one disappears. Why? Portals on your planet open when certain astrological alignments fall into place allowing crossover into other dimensions. Leap Day this year is one of those astrological convergences. No, you will not beam off to another planet somewhere …sorry! But you can powerfully use this day to exponentially create/recreate your intentions and desires from an expanded, intense energy grid. Take the time to meditate on your heart’s desires. See, hear, smell, taste, move, dance and sing into it. Find the joy and passion in your soul. Hold onto that energy for as many seconds, minutes and hours as possible to set the feelings into your cell’s memory banks. Allow them to settle in and become the yeast in the bread/breath of your life. March 1st they will start to expand and “bake” so they are ready to come out of the “oven” during the Spring Solstice.
February is the month of love. Give your heart and soul the gift of expanding into new dimensions of passion and desire. It is time to rise to new heights, depths and breadths of your life. Choose to leap forward utilizing the gift of extra time on February 29, 2012. We wish you happy leaping!!!
The Wise Ones
Spring Equinox Energy Portal – March 12, 2012
The Spring Equinox is on March 20th this year. As we stated in the last newsletter, this is a significant window of time for your ascension process. There is an energy portal opening, providing an opportunity to soar through blocks and resistance you have had in the past to opening your heart and stepping forward into your creations. The question is will you allow it?
Think back on all of the movies that have been made in your world concerning time travel. There was always a particular date and time in which a window would open up and one could cross through if at the right frequency and velocity. In 2012, the right frequency and velocity has to do with your attitude, approach, perspective, allowance, acceptance, gratefulness and willingness.
To move through and with the Spring Equinox energy you will need to accept that you are a beautiful perfect bright light of Love/God/Spirit/ Creator/Universe; all is perfect in your world; other people and beings are in the perfect place on their path; what others believe is perfect for them; life is for you; you are surrounded in love always; consciousness is always evolving; reality is a result of your thoughts, opinions and attitudes; shifting perspectives opens new pathways, and acceptance combined with gratitude are the keys to opening all doors of manifestation.
This portal is a huge opportunity of shift for you, the planet and all of the structures (banking, education, healthcare, government, business protocol, religion, etc.) in your life. It is important for all of you to continually see those structures in light and love for the greatest good of all. Trust that they will shift and flow into the perfect support structures for all concerned. A large enough mass consciousness can create this. Continuing to complain about them will empower their current design.
Use the next week to prepare your launch! We wish for all of you a delightful ride in the flow of this new dimension of time and ascension on your planet. Most importantly, choose to allow and be joy filled fun!!!
The Wise Ones
Peaceful Perfection of Joy – March 24, 2012
It’s been quite a week of adjustments on planet Earth. The Spring Equinox portal has opened, bringing a new astrological alignment for all energy to connect to. For many this has been exhausting, energetically taxing and emotionally draining. We say, “Of course it has been”. An equivalent energy analogy on your planet would be to go from the bottom of Mt Kilimanjaro to its top in one day. Interestingly, for those who were already vibrating in a higher frequency, you experienced a sigh of relief. Either way, welcome to the new possibilities!
And speaking of new possibilities, welcome to the first New Moon of this newest energy portal. There is an opportunity in the next week to soar forward in your acceptance and alignment with all that is. We will keep saying this over and over until it registers with all of you … when you accept that everything is right where it needs to be at the moment, you release resistance to having your dreams flow in. Resistance will cause dis-ease in your body and block the flow of your creations. Karen just learned a powerful lesson that we will share for all of you to learn from.
For five years Karen has been working in a medical center as an administrative assistant to pay the mortgage while she develops Awakenings, her spiritual interpreting work. Being a secretary was at the bottom of her list of appropriate jobs for her personality when she took the job skill tests in high school. Add to that the fact that she is a very bright light in a very low, victim type energy space each day that constantly attempts to put out the “uncomfortable “light. She did not want to be there and held onto beliefs that the practices of this organization where “wrong”. Unconsciously, she developed a lot of anger at herself for not knowing how to shift out of this work after many attempts to. The massive negativity she was around every day triggered her own victim thought patterns and it became a rut of feeling stuck in the muck of life. This wore out her immune system (resistance to dis-ease), allowing multiple infections (irritations, anger, annoyance) to set in. She coughed (a desire to be heard and seen) for four years and for the last year, has been dealing with swollen blistered lips (resistance, anger and inflamed thinking). Her spirit was literally screaming at her. As a result, she is now allergic to multiple foods and skin care product ingredients.
In a journey she did, God told her to accept that everything was perfect and ask her lips what they wanted her to learn. Once she exhausted all of the physical body “fix” solutions, she surrendered and thanks the perfection of everything each day. As a result, she finally feels more peaceful, is being treated with respect at work and has found answers to empower her well-being.
We tell you all of this for several reasons. To flow in this new energy, you must accept, allow and trust that everything in your life is perfect. It is exactly where you need to be to finish karmic lessons with other souls, learn new skills, be a source of light in a “dim area” or meet new connections for what is next in your soul’s evolution. This attitude will shift you to a higher frequency and allow you to float and play in the new portal of creative energy that has opened.
For years, Karen has asked God “Where is Joy? How do I Be Joy?” She has finally found the answer. Joy is the result of trusting, accepting, allowing and peacefully flowing in the perfection of all that is.
The Wise Ones
Ascension Portal 2012 – April 8, 2012
I started to write this letter yesterday, and was clearly told no, not until after the radio show. When Jesus originally asked to be my guest today, I did not even realize it was Easter Sunday until I looked at the calendar to get the date. Usually, I get little tidbits before the show as to what is going to happen. Not this time…and the following is why…Karen
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is with love and joy that I greet and acknowledge you today on what many of you know as Easter Sunday. The significance of today is not in my death, it is in my walk. I chose to come to planet Earth for a powerful mission. My purpose was the same as yours is: to learn how to walk in the spirit of unconditional love, forgiveness and oneness. My mission was to teach others how to do it for themselves.
Let me first acknowledge that all of you are light essences of the unconditionally loving consciousness that you know as God, Allah, Elaha, Bagwhaan, Elohim, Yahweh, Yeshua, Almighty, Shangdi, Vishnu, Gitche Manitou, Supreme Being, Waheguru, El-Shaddai, Adonai, Jehovah, The Light, Shiva, Shen, Tian Zhu, El Cantare, or Oya, etc. — just to name a few of your expressions. In that connection, we are all of one light/love. Your heart center/spirit is the same as mine. We are all “brothers” and “sisters” of universal loving consciousness. Having faith in your worthiness will allow you to step forward into today’s amazing opportunity.
April 8th, 2012 is a point in space, time and other dimensions in which a portal/wormhole has opened into the light of unconditional love, oneness, peace and forgiveness. Today’s opportunity is to choose to walk through it. My death was not to die for your sins. It was to hold the door open for you to know your light and see that all sons and daughters of universal loving consciousness are capable of that walk. Listen to the radio show *. I give guidance of how to take the step and how to continue to align with the energy existing in that dimension. The choice to walk through the ascension portal is yours. Do it now if you are ready or do it later, the portal will remain open until Dec 21st, 2012. Trust your heart to know when and if you are ready. And dear brothers and sisters know that I am always honored to walk next to you and call you “my family”.
Your brother, Jesus
* AwakenYour Light Radio Show –Conversation with Jesus – Hear His Perspective of Easter
Creation Portal – April 22, 2012
Dear Co-creators,
It is my joy to speak with you on Earth Day. This is another very special day in 2012 because it is a portal opportunity for everyone who lives with me. As you listen to the Awaken Your Light Radio Show from today (link below), you will hear the opportunity that this date and time is opening for you to jump into … if you choose.
All of creation comes from a black hole. Matter recreates itself in the vacuum so it can evolve into a new conscious expression, structure and definition. You will hear how surprised Karen was to discover that beyond the molten lava core of Earth is a black hole. I am in constant creation mode, turning and shifting with each revolution to recreate and redefine all aspects of this planet. You are also in constant creation mode because all of your cells are sourced from a black hole as well. Within the space/void/ vacuum of all molecules is a black hole*.
In past centuries, humans have been limited in the depth and scope of recreating the physical structure and social position they were born into. The evolving frequencies of this new age are now giving a greater range of evolutionary possibilities to every living being in existence beyond what they could have accomplished before. Today’s portal opens another door of creative potential. Follow the prayer of connection on the show and open yourself up to a new transformative metamorphosis for your body, mind and spirit. Recreate yourself first and foremost through your knowing. Know without a shadow of a doubt that you can morph into a new physical, mental and emotional being. When you know it, you will change your speaking, thoughts and actions to align with this new knowing. Yes, in the past you were limited by the carbon structure of your bodies and ancestry. Now you can access the vacuum/black holes of your cells to recreate and structure your new physical well-being.
This will take time. Remember, a moth does not become a butterfly overnight. There is a necessary process needed to recreate cellular structures to shine, fly and dance at a new frequency. The key is that you can now shift those illnesses, allergies, physical ailments, dis-ease, emotional blocks, food sensitivities, etc. The more deeply they are entrenched, the more astute you will need to be in shifting your thought processes. Be patience and know the result you want. Interjecting doubt will cause the process to slow down or stop. Be aware, stay committed to your intention and restate your “knowing”. Then allow, accept, trust and “be” that knowing in your verbal, mental and physical actions. The results will be a brighter, clearer, healthier, happier, loving new you because you will be shedding the blankets of doubt and untruths about who you truly are.
Time to recreate yourself… Will you join me in this new portal of opportunities? I so look forward to evolving with you!
Mother Earth
Click here to listen to my radio show, Earth Day – A Conversation With Mother Earth.
*Nassim Hairemin’s video, Black Whole, uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The work of physicist, Nassim Haramein, provides insight into the structure of space-time and a new coherent model of the universe. Using the sacred geometry and codes in ancient monuments and documents, the film presents a new look at the reality of which we live.
Happy Feminine Energy Day – May 13, 2012
In this year of ascension, Mother’s Day has a poignant purpose. It is the moment to spotlight the importance of balancing the feminine aspect of all beings on your planet. Every physical being, male, female or hermaphrodite, has two aspects – the feminine and the masculine. Because of teachings, social stigmas, religions, mass consciousness and left brain activity (the thinker, doer, analyzer, ego side of the brain), the feminine qualities of love, compassion, nurturing, creativity, receiving, service and mothering have been greatly squashed for centuries. Woman have been receiving and holding onto toxins from others for far too long. That must stop NOW.
The Ascension of 2012′s purpose is to pull forth the consciousness of Love energy on your planet. The ability to Love has been powerfully demonstrated by Mothers throughout all of time. Femininity is the heart of creation, the womb of all new beings, thoughts, songs, books, designs, ideas, theories, movies, new inventions, etc. It is the source of safety, comfort and warmth to birth in. Mother Earth and all beings on the planet are being asked to step more powerfully into their feminine energy so the world can shift its consciousness to love, cooperation and creativity instead of separation, superiority and war mentality.
You are being assisted in this process by the “Supermoon” that appeared last Saturday, May 5th. The name “Supermoon” comes from the fact that when the moon is at its closest orbital point to Earth it appears larger and fuller. The power for all of you in that astrological alignment is that when the moon is closer its force on your emotions is at its greatest capacity. Remember, the moon cycles are linked with feminine energy. Full moons offer the opportunity to release what is no longer serving you or supporting you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. When you release unwanted anger, resentment, jealousy, regret, lies, and judgment and replace them with forgiveness and surrender, you clear an energetic space to create, love, receive, empower, nurture and serve in.
The combination of both the “Supermoon” and Mother’s Day are powerfully calling forth the opportunity to step into the feminine aspect of unconditionally loving, heart-centered consciousness for yourself, the world and others. Any emotions in the way will be brought to your attention to get them up and out. It is important to do balancing work to release any additional bottled up emotions that you may be harboring consciously or unconsciously. If you do not get them up and out now, they will be magnified to a much greater degree in this current energy and will become more and more uncomfortable and unhealthy. It’s time for all beings to balance the feminine and masculine energies of their bodies. Choose to use this time wisely. Honor yourself and do the work now in the next month with the support of both my energy and the moon’s.
Balanced Emotional energy is the place of higher consciousness, power, creativity, love and connection to manifesting your dreams. When you are in balance you will assist others around you and the consciousness of humanity towards the heart centered, cooperative, supportive, love based emotional structure of the new age. Happy Feminine Energy Day to all!
Mother Mary
Happy Honor Day – May 28, 2012
This weekend is meant to honor those who have served and died in wars in the United States, but it really honors all soldiers throughout your world. For those who believe war is the answer to peace, power and the “right” solution, it is easy to celebrate. For those who believe it is impossible to achieve peace, acceptance and oneness through war, it is challenging to celebrate Memorial Day. I wish to share another perspective for honoring this day.
Many people worship Buddha, Jesus and I for being deities. But we are not above or better than any other human on your planet, then or now. The difference is that we chose to walk in enlightened thought consciousness as leaders and teachers in human form. At that time of Earth’s astrological alignment, humanity was very much in an egocentric, black and white, right and wrong thought consciousness. It was much more challenging at that time in history to shift out of its gravitationally dense thinking to a love based, peace filled consciousness. But that has changed for your world. Now you can much more easily accomplish that.
From all of us in this dimension, we invite you to take this Memorial Day as an opportunity to honor yourself first and foremost. Your core essence is a beautiful loving light. You are capable of enlightenment thinking … it is simply a matter of choice. Choose to accept others’ differences; allow their ways of being; live in harmony with those who live across man made borders. Remember that differences, hatred and racism are taught — carefully taught and ingrained. You can choose to teach yourself a new thought, perspective, understanding and trust of what is.
Think about this: Every being on your planet needs water and yet, every language and animal has a different vocal expression for that basic elemental necessity of life. That is the same as different names for the color blue, apples, cars, homes, friends and God. The vocal expression does not change the basic elemental substance. An unconditionally loving energy in one country is called Vishnu, in another, God. And in actuality, every being on your planet has the light of unconditional love within their soul. It is time to honor you as that beautiful essence. First see it in you and then you will be able to see it in others. Honor your choices, truths, lessons, opportunities, and walk in this human form. Become enlightened by letting go of judgment, criticism, racism, war, and class distinctions. Allow your thoughts to continually step out of the paradigm you were taught and into the paradigm of ascension and oneness with all that is. When you learn that whatever you do to someone else echoes back to you, you will truly understand that the most loving choice for yourself will be for everyone else as well.
Jesus, Buddha and I showed you that it is possible for a human to walk in acceptance and unconditional love. Now you have the same opportunity to walk that walk with us, next to us, as our brothers and sisters in unconditionally loving light consciousness. For you, Mother Earth and each other, choose the walk of enlightenment and Honor. Happy Honor Day!
Happy Feminine Energy Day – May 13, 2012
In this year of ascension, Mother’s Day has a poignant purpose. It is the moment to spotlight the importance of balancing the feminine aspect of all beings on your planet. Every physical being, male, female or hermaphrodite, has two aspects – the feminine and the masculine. Because of teachings, social stigmas, religions, mass consciousness and left brain activity (the thinker, doer, analyzer, ego side of the brain), the feminine qualities of love, compassion, nurturing, creativity, receiving, service and mothering have been greatly squashed for centuries. Woman have been receiving and holding onto toxins from others for far too long. That must stop NOW.
The Ascension of 2012′s purpose is to pull forth the consciousness of Love energy on your planet. The ability to Love has been powerfully demonstrated by Mothers throughout all of time. Femininity is the heart of creation, the womb of all new beings, thoughts, songs, books, designs, ideas, theories, movies, new inventions, etc. It is the source of safety, comfort and warmth to birth in. Mother Earth and all beings on the planet are being asked to step more powerfully into their feminine energy so the world can shift its consciousness to love, cooperation and creativity instead of separation, superiority and war mentality.
You are being assisted in this process by the “Supermoon” that appeared last Saturday, May 5th. The name “Supermoon” comes from the fact that when the moon is at its closest orbital point to Earth it appears larger and fuller. The power for all of you in that astrological alignment is that when the moon is closer its force on your emotions is at its greatest capacity. Remember, the moon cycles are linked with feminine energy. Full moons offer the opportunity to release what is no longer serving you or supporting you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. When you release unwanted anger, resentment, jealousy, regret, lies, and judgment and replace them with forgiveness and surrender, you clear an energetic space to create, love, receive, empower, nurture and serve in.
The combination of both the “Supermoon” and Mother’s Day are powerfully calling forth the opportunity to step into the feminine aspect of unconditionally loving, heart-centered consciousness for yourself, the world and others. Any emotions in the way will be brought to your attention to get them up and out. It is important to do balancing work to release any additional bottled up emotions that you may be harboring consciously or unconsciously. If you do not get them up and out now, they will be magnified to a much greater degree in this current energy and will become more and more uncomfortable and unhealthy. It’s time for all beings to balance the feminine and masculine energies of their bodies. Choose to use this time wisely. Honor yourself and do the work now in the next month with the support of both my energy and the moon’s.
Balanced Emotional energy is the place of higher consciousness, power, creativity, love and connection to manifesting your dreams. When you are in balance you will assist others around you and the consciousness of humanity towards the heart centered, cooperative, supportive, love based emotional structure of the new age. Happy Feminine Energy Day to all!
Mother Mary
Crossroads – June 16, 2012
My transit in front of your sun on June 5th and 6th, 2012 caused much energetic movement on your planet. If you are feeling a bit antsy for change, good, you are in the flow of the energy wake my crossing caused. If you are feeling grounded, good, then you are in the place you are meant to be in for now. If you are at a crossroad, good, it is time to choose a different path. Honor your heart and allow yourself to flow into the new energy. It is okay if you do not know what that new energy looks or feels like. Go into your heart/intuition/spirit center and make choices from there. That is the “knowing” to trust and align with. Take actions based on that knowing.
Remember that you still live in a material world. You must create actions based on the opportunities of the material, egoistic structure of the world you live in. I wish I could say you will wake up tomorrow to a spiritually love-based business and financial world. But that will not happen overnight. Your world structures will shift when humanity shifts its consciousness. The two are codependent. That is why the shift starts with you first.
My energy is a frequency similar to what is labeled as feminine energy in your world. I resonate in truth, flow of now, creativity, nurturing, acceptance, allowance of what is and trust. I have a balance of Yin/Yang energy – receive/give; cool/hot; vulnerability/strength; soft/hard and follower/leader. Mother Earth has the same energy balance, but humanity has not aligned with it yet. My crossing helped to heighten the energy balance for all of you to feel on a greater scale, helping you to get clarity on what shifts need to happen in your life. Now you must choose to take appropriate actions to move forward or continue to flow where you are.
Use this time wisely. The major astrological changes happening in your galaxy and universe are opening energy portals that provide an opportunity of flow. Think of them as rivers or highways that would suddenly open up and allow you to get from point A to point B faster; or bridges and tunnels that would connect continents and allow greater movement between these. It is a wondrous gift. Stay in gratitude for any uneasiness you may be feeling right now. That is good; it means you are growing as a light consciousness. Every soul on the planet chose to be here during this time because of its opportunity to expand your spirituality and loving light essence. Leap in with joy-filled hearts like children at an amusement park. Yes, some of the rides may twist and turn, but being there is about the thrill of the experience. Why pay admission to the park and refuse to experience the joy and fun all of the activities have to offer? You have already paid admission – you were born. Enjoy all of the rides, twists, turns, screams, food, walk, flow, noise, games, work and laughter. When you allow yourself to receive the full experience with gratitude, you will expand your soul’s enlightenment.
Balance of Implode and Explode – June 28, 2012
The Summer Solstice is bringing in a powerful wave of energy meant to balance Earth and all energy on the planet. As this new alignment comes into being, the core of Earth is heating up. Heat is yang/male/thinker/doer explosive energy. Before this astronomical shift, Earth was more Yin/feminine/creator/receiver implosive energy. Human consciousness, being very egotistically left brain centered, balanced with her then. But now, that form of consciousness is causing imbalance for all who exist on your planet.
A star’s energy does one of two things: it explodes, out energy giving out heat to all molecules within a certain radius; or it implodes, going into a black hole and coming out on the other side as a new creation. The end of the 26,000 year cycle is sort of like an implosion of your galaxy. The realignment of planets and stars are forming new energy creations which radiate to all molecules in their radius of energetic connection. That is the reason you are all feeling energetic shifts so powerfully. You will have to flow with the changes or get crushed in the energy wave. Earth, however, is shifting her energetic polarity from implosion to explosion. To remain balanced with Earth, humanity must shift its consciousness from explosion to implosion.
That means that the thinker/doer/masculine/make it happen, left brain energy must shift to creator/ receiver/ feminine/ compassionate/ giver, right brain ways of being. This is why you have been hearing for years it is time to love your neighbor as yourself; respect others’ choices, for you have not walked in their shoes; allow their differences in life styles and traditions; release boundaries and borders among your fellow humans; accept what you do not understand or have answers for; know that you are one with everything and what you send out comes back to you, etc. You have all experienced devastating catastrophes throughout the world that have forced you to put down judgments/prejudices and pick up a neighbor’s hand to assist your fellow human out of the rubble. Many have given money to help those in devastated regions pick themselves back up, recreate their worlds and move forward again. These traits are the necessary choices your planet and galaxy need you to make so you can survive as a species in the new Age of Aquarius that your galaxy begins on December 21, 2012.
It is time to realize how lucky you are to be designed the way you are. Stars and planets implode or explode. Humans have duality and can choose which they will use at the moment. You can choose to use the thinker/left brain or the creator/right brain. Success comes from the balance of the two. The Age of Pisces was focused in the left brain. It is time to move the focus to the right brain. That will balance your being, center you in spiritually and create alignment with your galactic changes. I will continue to explode, shine and radiate light and heat. How you and your world continue is up to each of you.
The Sun
Yin Yang Balance – July 21, 2012
You have been given many messages on the importance of balancing your energies this year. Mother Mary came from the perspective of the male/female balance of the emotional energy field. God spoke about the polar opposites balance of the mental energy field. The Sun spoke about the implosive/explosive balance of the etheric field. I would like to discuss the yin/yang balance of the physical energetic field.
The yin energy is the internal/structural/chi energy of the body. The yang energy is the external/support/active energy of the body. Yin energy would include: organs, blood and bone. Yang energy would include: muscles, tendons and movements of the body. These two aspects also align with the hemispheres of your body and brain. Yin is the feminine/implosive/creator/ still left side of the body and right side of the brain*. Yang is the male/explosive/thinker/doer right side of the body and left side of the brain*. Your world, especially the “wealthy” countries, is way too yang in every structure and aspect of your existence. Interestingly, the cultures and tribes you consider poor and uneducated are actually those that are the richest in spiritual, yin/ yang balance. If you were to learn from them, you would find yourselves happier with less of everything and much healthier physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
What is the most important thing to you … lots of money … a donation to charity … a prestigious car … safety to get where you need to go … a big house … a home and efficient space … the latest style of clothes and accessories … timeless clothing that feels and fits well … buying new things … recycling … the latest electronics … the most economical tool for what you need … a stocked pantry … healthy, fresh alive food … your favorite TV shows … a walk in the park …? The above are all yin/yang choices. Can you distinguish which is yang and which is yin?
Your thoughts and approach to what you choose to do, own and create in your world can be yin choices or yang choices. It is time for that awareness to be up front, in center, close and personal. Balance is extremely crucial for all of you to move forward in the new energies. That is the way to flow, vibrant health, creativity, manifestations and joyfulness in the 2012 “Now” Ascension process. You have many opportunities to choose consciously … what will you choose?
*Correction of the radio show.
The Dimmer Switch – August 15, 2012
Even though the energy of the summer solstice is winding down as far as the sun is concerned, it is revving up for each of you. This summer was meant to get everything in place so you can leap forward with the autumn gust of energy that will blow through all of Earth and her inhabitants’ energy fields. If you are flowing with life right now, that means you have cleared imbalances and are ready to leap. If you are blocked or feel stuck, you have work to do, quickly.
Dearest souls, you have received so much guidance and lots of opportunities to balance your health, well-being, nutrition intake, sleep habits and exercise activities. The sooner you get those in harmony, the happier, healthier and more vibrant you will be in your core essence of spirit. That strength is what will attract your heart’s desires and cause your dreams to come true.
Those of you who are out of balance are feeling off-centered, tired, irritable, sluggish, angry and fearful. This means that you have toxins to eliminate from your body or life. Toxins such as excess weight, righteousness, judgments, doubts, self-hatred, rigid ideas and/or low vibrating foods, emotions, old belief systems, jobs, environments and attitudes. They will eat away at every energetic aspect of your body, mind and spirit.
Think of yourself as a light with a dimmer switch. You were born fully turned on, bright and shiny. Each time you see or hear something that doesn’t feel good you turn down the dimmer switch, hoping that if you are not as so bright, that uncomfortable energy coming at you will go away. Many of you end up in adulthood with the switch on automatic shutdown causing you to be drawn to all of the food and daily habits that align with low frequency resonance. When your dimmer switch is low or off, it means you are in a depressed state of being or suicidal. To turn up your frequency, you simply turn up the dimmer switch, one turn at a time.
Fortunately, there are multiple ways to turn up your light/frequency. First, start with your thoughts … think about the things that you like about yourself and others – what you are good at, how do you treat people, what are your skills, or theirs, etc. Thoughts are the most important beginning because they are the triggers/buttons for the electrical system of your body. Be gracious to that extremely important life force of your being and of all others.
Next, address the foods you eat. The more natural and wholesome, the more energy you will receive from these and the brighter your light will be. With each artificial ingredient and process a food goes through before it enters your body, the more dim your light will be as a result. Instant anything virtually has no life force and will cause your dimmer switch to be very low or off. Eating foods without life force leads to an addictive habit of continually needing artificial stimulants to function.
Sleep assists your body to express your light. If your physical structure is tired, it will not be able to support your light no matter how brightly it shines. The same scenario is true with exercise. The human body is designed with bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. If they are not “well oiled” how can they continue to move? Does a race car win if it was left in a garage for weeks and never driven?
The body is a miraculously designed structure with billions of intimate molecular processes that coexist in an intricate community network of synapses. Each time you choose to honor yourself or others with grateful appreciative thoughts, eat vibrant foods, rest and maintain your physical structure, the dimmer switch will turn up and your light will get brighter. Remember, you already are a bright light … honor it by turning up the dimmer switch.
Archangel Raphael
Release Defensiveness – September 3, 2012
Are you feeling tousled, churned, dizzy and exhausted yet? Good, then you are flowing with the summer solstice energy wave meant to cleanse Earth and her inhabitants of all energies that are 2nd/3rd dimensional frequencies. It was no coincidence that there were two full moons (the 2nd full moon in one month is called the blue moon) in August to prepare you for the new wave of energies coming in with the Fall Solstice. Many of you experienced what Karen described as weeks on end of full moon Mondays, every day. It very much would have felt that way if you were working, living or socializing with people who have held on to their victim mentalities. And it would have felt that way if you are still holding a victim posture of your own.
Have you felt a need to explain, justify, defend, analyze or protect yourself? If you or anyone around you is, then you are still living in a 2nd/3rd dimensional existence and will continue to find the galactic energies changes overwhelming and exhausting. Love, acceptance, allowance and oneness need no explanation, justification, or protection. Only ego/fear and separatism do. Love is. There are no degrees of Love or degrees of separation within Love.
So, how do you live this when everyone on the planet has been slammed in the face by their judgments/fears/unloving thoughts and are throwing or screaming their frustrations out at the lucky person who walks by or answers the phone? First of all, I need to point out that like frequencies attract and this “mirror” opportunity has a gift on the other side of the perception of wrong doing. You have been taught to defend yourself or others under “attack”. So it is “natural” to go into a defensive posture. The result will always be exhaustion, and a feeling of righteous indignation. The moment you can become unattached to the “assault”/outcry for help, you will then be able to respond from a neutral stance to find a solution or direct the “cry for help” to the appropriate party that has the authority to resolve the matter.
The second point I want to make is that most of you reading this newsletter are light workers, which means you will be the first point of “attack” for anyone unhappy. Unhappiness hates happiness. If you have been feeling peaceful, happy, loving and joyful, it stands to reason that you have been receiving artillery from all directions. It is easy to fall back into a defensive posture if you have not found your inner strength and crystal clear boundary of assured knowingness for who you are and the power of your Light/Love.
That is the opportunity I bring to you. Realize who you truly are. Once you do there is no reason to explain, justify, defend, analyze or protect anyone. Know that what others send out is their pain. Pull the dart out and put it down. There is no benefit from throwing, handing or stabbing it back at its creator. That will just cause them to need to release it somewhere else with more furry. Simply acknowledge them for where they are emotionally by responding with the kindness of a solution. If you don’t react to or “own” the pain they throw, you will not need to defend yourself. Instead, you will be standing in a loving/accepting posture, which is a 4th/5th dimensional existence. The sooner you can make this shift, the faster and more peacefully you will fly with the Fall Solstice energy arriving on September 22, 2012. You are Love, and a response from love will light the way for everyone you meet to flow forward in this ascension process. Choose to know who you are and celebrate your Light/Love with everyone you meet!
The Blue Moon
New Perspectives – September 30, 2012
The purpose of 2012 is to be an opportunity for the universes and all beings to transform themselves into a higher vibrational frequency of consciousness. You have all been in a metamorphosis state of existence mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Some beings, structures and substances have fought or refused the change and had severe consequences. Most have unconsciously bumped through it. Those of you reading this newsletter have been consciously attempting to navigate the flow. My purpose in having Karen bring forth this newsletter is to let you know the easiest way to move forward in the last three months of this year.
This year in particular has kept you in an extreme pattern of releasing all emotions, structures, thoughts, jobs, activities, people, places and things that are out of alignment with your soul’s truth. It was important for this newsletter to come after the full moon of September 29th because that energy pattern has now shifted for your galaxy, Earth and you. The new energy pattern will demand the release of what you think you know and who you know yourself to be.
Dictionary.com’s definition of Metamorphosis is “a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.” Think about it … a caterpillar is very grounded walking on many legs to see the world. Its perspective comes from looking directly forward and up. You could equate it to a two and three dimensional world. There is no “down” perspective for a caterpillar. However, a butterfly has a whole new view of life. You could call it a 4th and 5th dimensional view. Down is often its perspective as well as up, over and all around. While some of you are still completing the process of pushing out of the cocoon to gain strength in your “wings”, most of you have morphed into your capability of being a “spiritual butterfly” and now have the opportunity to see your world from a whole new angle. It is time to change your view and look at all of life as if you have never seen it before. How would a butterfly’s vantage point look anything like a caterpillar’s?
Release what you know everything in life to be – people, places, things, businesses, jobs, religions, politics, financial structures, quotes, tastes, smells, pictures, views, objects, cultures, the news, laws, etc. Look at it as if it just dropped from a spaceship and you have no idea what it is. Discover life like a baby does. Babies take in their world with a sense of wonder, fascination and curiosity, delighting in the colors, tastes, smells and feel of all objects. You have been rebirthed into new spiritual beings with wings to fly. See life with fresh clear eyes of passion, love, peace, oneness and awe inspired optimism! That is the true gift of this ascension process. Enjoy the delight of new perspectives!!!
Grace – October 20, 2012
To be the consciousness of Grace and unconditional love, you must accept what is. First you must accept yourself for every choice you make, action you take and thought you have. When you can do that, all defensive resistance stops and you open the flow to shift your choices. Only then will you be able to accept all others for their choices, actions and statements.
Now this does not mean that you have to agree with or respect others choices. The key to acceptance is to let go of judgments — your need to defend anything or state something else is wrong. Every decision made by any human being is an opportunity to explore who they are as a light being. Any reactions you have towards energy directed at you, is an opportunity for you to grow as a light consciousness. It’s not personal, it is an expression. If it feels personal, it is misperceived pain projected at you. If it hurts, you accepted the misperception and took on their pain for them. Don’t, it is not yours and you do no service to yourself or anyone else to take it on. Simply deflect it or better yet, ask God, an angel, archangel or ascended master to dissolve and purify it in the violet flame of God’s breath. Your world does not need any more pain bodies or dark energy fields floating around aimlessly to affect those who walk by.
Vibrant well-being comes when you allow the flow of everything in life. If you resist, judge or argue your case, you literally stop moving and take a stance physically and energetically. Many of you feel stuck in life. This is why. You keep stopping your manifestations by not accepting what happened or what is showing up at the moment. What is present is simply an expression of a previous emotional choice by yourself or someone else.
Think about it this way. When you play any board game, do you move your pieces the same way every time? Or do you change your strategy each game to see what different outcome you can achieve? Do athletes win by choosing the exact same moves and doing the same routines each time or do they make decisions in the moment based on the conditions, environment and actions of their opponents? Life is a constant “game” of moving conditions, environments, opponents and opportunities to “better your game” of spiritual consciousness as a light being. You can play defensively from fear or offensively from love. Grace, Love, vibrant well-being and ascension come from playing the “game of life” for fun, joy, laughter and growth as a light being.
Archangel Haniel
The Synergy of Loving Consciousness – November 11, 2012
Many countries on Earth are being hit hard by storms with traumatic and costly consequences. Some of this activity happens due to the changes in speed, placement and cycles occurring in planetary systems throughout your universe. However, often these intense weather patterns are being seeded, enhanced and empowered by sources that are misguided or do not wish to see Earth or other colonies like yours evolve. Some of your government structures are taking advantage of these technologies to develop geoengineering. As with everything on your planet, these technologies can be used to help or harm your environment. Initially established to help with global warming, these methods are now being used to control geothermal conditions and weather patterns. The health, homes and cities of many citizens are the target or “friendly fire” consequences of these tests. We have been assisting you in becoming aware of this situation and helping you shift the results of the geoengineering.
Below are some links for you to learn more. This information is meant to educate. We in no way wish for you to feel like victims who have no power against these choices. You, in fact, very much do. Each of you is an electrical force. Your nervous system is your electrical circuitry. Every thought, action and deed is an electrical beam projected into the universe. Your power comes from your mind. There is a good reason for your saying “mind over matter”.
The Institute of HeartMath is actually measuring the emotional energy that is coming off of your planet and getting many of the same results that we see. When a catastrophe happens in any region of your world and you send prayers, love and support into that area, the energy of everything in that area resonates at a higher frequency. Yes, the frequency of love consciousness can actually be measured. When this happens, the dense energy of fear/victimization dissipates into light/peace.
A good analogy for you to grasp this idea is to think about a blizzard. Snow is a dense molecular structure that causes everything to slow down due to a “blanket of energy” covering it. But when the sun comes out, the snow starts melting. The brighter the sun, the faster the snow melts and the energy lifts. All storms are dense, chaotic energy. Loving thoughts are light, peaceful energy. Sending loving thoughts to storms is the equivalent of sun melting snow. Love will dissipate the density and chaos of any storm.
Each of you can make an impact. The synergy of loving consciousness has great power and can counter harmful intentions or expand helpful ones. You can and do make a difference, individually, globally and universally. We, as your galactic family, are here to support, uplift and empower your loving consciousness.
The Andromeda Council
Links to learn more:
HAARP – (10.8 min) www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TdIkI1ory8
CHEMTRAILS: (3.49) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFM973Qn7Ew
(15.01 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XREsFIMX7g4&feature=related
E.L.F. TOWERS – (51 sec) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIC8NggLlhg
INSTITUTE of HEARTMATH – http://www.heartmath.org
The Truth Portal – December 12, 2012
My Dearest Children/Lights,
I asked Karen to write this newsletter about the energetic opportunity opening for all of you today on 12/12/12. Many of you have been intuiting that today is a powerful gateway for the Ascension completion date of December 21st, 2012. You are correct. This new energy wave will allow all of you to raise your vibration to a new frequency of consciousness for yourself, all others, and the galaxy.
If you are standing in your truth, the wave will lift you and provide a beautifully heightened awareness of your oneness with all that is. If you have any issues that you have not been willing to look at, the energy wave will feel like someone is hammering your “first/third eye”. The upsets that have not been dealt with will certainly be fear based, since love has no issues – love … is. Fear results in victim-hood, dis-empowerment, dis-ease and emotional bondage to others. Holding onto any of these emotionally painful memories will cause you to feel anchored from flying with this newest wave of truth energy and oneness integrity arriving today.
This month has traditionally held a very powerful energy portal for two thousand and twelve years. December 25th is the date of the Forgiveness Portal. Jesus birth and purpose was to demonstrate and teach the walk of forgiveness. Every year, on that date, you have an opportunity to walk through the opening he established and forgive any perceptions, attitudes and/or righteousness that causes upset, unhappiness, dis-empowerment or anger. All of these energies set up emotional chains to the source of that pain, allowing it to rule and control you in the same way a prisoner, slave or animal is controlled by physical chains. Release the upset/chains/anger by allowing yourself and all others to experience their lessons, truth, opportunities and choices as chances to expand their light’s consciousness of love. When you can do that, you are free of anger, fear, victimhood, angst, upset and the dis-ease of carrying and storing these emotional burdens.
*Tidbits of Wisdom from the Wise Council during the radio show on 12/9/12:
Jesus – Use forgiveness energy of 12/25 on 12/12 to raise your spiritual light’s radiance by 12/21.
Buddha – Choosing to grow from opportunities results in mental freedom, personal power and provides a greater view for all of life.
Martin Luther King – Anger feeds the opposing source with energy. More of the same will result from the repeated patterns of thought, word and deed. Solutions, freedom, power and love come from forgiveness.
Mother Theresa – The ascension process is about learning how to love beyond the pain and in that place forgiveness occurs.
Karen – By loving yourself unconditionally for who you are and who you are not, you are free from the energy of pain bodies and emotional chains allowing you to serve yourself, all others and humanity in love and oneness consciousness.
Forgiveness connects you to the God within, your spiritual light, true power, connection to all that is, unconditional love and the completed ascension process. Let go of fear, unforgiveness, and anchors of emotional chains and bondage. Choose to accept everything as an opportunity to expand your light and you will soar in today’s energy to a new height of loving, oneness consciousness with all that is on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11 AM.
All-encompassing love,
*For the rest of the beautiful message from God and the Wise Council, check out the Dec 9th Radio Show – 12/12/12 – 12/21/12 Ascension Wisdom from God and the Wise Council.
Happy 2012 Celebrations – December 21, 2012
We made it! – Ascension 2012 on December 21st at 11:11 AM – Hallelujah!!! A 26,000 year astrological cycle has ended, clearing the way for the new alignment with the Age of Aquarius. This will be a miraculous shift for humanity, Mother Earth, our galaxy and the multiverses. None of the ancient civilizations could chart it because this new astrological alignment will be partly dependent on the consciousness and choices of mankind. The birth of the Age of Aquarius will create a new energetic environment for us to shift from a left brain, masculine, dominating, egoist, thinking, controlling approach into a right brain, feminine, creative, receptive, spiritually loving, oneness with everything approach to life and each other. This shift is an opportunity to forget about borders between countries, put down weapons that harm our spiritual brothers and sisters, and see that we are all connected molecularly and energetically to each other and every living cell that exists. It is a time to unconditionally love … first ourselves, next each other, and then the truth that is unique for each of us, because no one else has ever walked in our “shoes” to understand the perspective only we have experienced. I am thrilled to be alive during this shift and look forward to teaching, sharing, serving and giving in this new realm of loving consciousness!
As always, the pain is much more intense before a birth and this year definitely had those moments. My issue with swollen, blistered, burnt lips continued into this year getting more frequent and painful. Many allergy tests later and long lists of foods and chemicals to avoid, I was still searching for answers. Finally, in September, a dermatologist said she felt this was an irritation rather than an allergy because everything I reacted to was acidic. She was the 1st Dr. out of 7 to say “absolutely YES!” when I asked the question, “I have been drinking 9.5 PH water for 2 yrs to cleanse my lungs and support my immune system, because in Feb of 2010 I could not take a breath without coughing. Could my system now be too alkaline?”
This was also the reason my muscle injury in my shoulder and leg wouldn’t heal. It turns out O blood types need an acidic level in their blood streams for digestion and muscle strength. A blood types are the ones who need high alkaline levels. Another reminder that life is not one solution fits all! But, now my left thumb that would not bend for 2 yrs, easily bends and I can take full deep breaths without coughing, letting me know that the alkaline water did empower my immune syste. Apparently, my body had to go from one extreme to another, to another, to come back to a new balance. 3 mo. later, I am ecstatic to report that I am back to drinking 7 PH water, eating all the foods I had eliminated, breathing fully, exercising, dancing, singing, and smiling without cracked, burning blistered lips! Another lesson in balance … Hmmm, thought I had already learned that one, but clearly there is always more to learn!
In many ways, I feel this example poignantly depicts the year 2012. It seems to have been a year that culminates many extreme lessons we have experienced in our lives. As the Age of Pisces has come to a close, it has forced us to look at ourselves from angles and perspectives we haven’t addressed or were avoiding. Personally, professionally and globally, each of us has been given many opportunities to choose to help, support, accept, respect, trust, love, and forgive each other and what is. Those are the choices that result in peace, joy, harmony, happiness and love.
I’m also happy to report that Jasper’s foot has finally healed from the sores that have been open wounds for 2 ½ yrs. Now we just have to get the skin strong enough so it can take the sandpaper licks from his tongue! Kayla continues to be a preciously loving, happy little girl who greets everyone at the door and plays fetch with a rolled up piece of paper!
This spring, I took a class called the Inner Freedom Method through Coachville University. It was a fascinating “Awakening” experience to uncover deeply embedded belief systems that still run us and cause us to get stuck or stopped from moving forward to what we really want in life. I uncovered a deep set karmic fear and was able to shift it to know I am always safe to communicate my feelings as a light, leader and woman. Since then, life experiences have been shifting and I have found a new sense of strength and power I have never felt before.
I have also powerfully learned other valuable pieces of wisdom from life this year:
- No job, boss, co-worker or person defines who I am. I love and know who I am and who I am not and so does God. No one else’s opinion is about me. It is simply a projection of who they are or who they are not.
- Other peoples’ upset, anger, frustration and happiness are not mine to receive, own or justify.
- My strength lies in my defenselessness because my power is diluted or diminished the minute I start to defend or justify myself or my actions.
- Every moment has many perspectives.
- The secret to manifesting anything is to know with absolute certainty that it already is.
- Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to grow as a loving consciousness.
- I am the light of unconditional love, truth, peace, joy and oneness with all that is and I can project that energy to all elements in all universes every day to serve all beings with love.
My most exciting news is that I am moving!!! I finally have clarity on what the next chapter is for my life. As soon as my condo sells, I will be moving to the Arden area of north DE. First, I want to visit and spend as much time as I can with my parents to help them around the house. Second, I want to be near my family, especially my soon to be great nieces and/or nephews (and 2 yr old Grant!). Third, I have served my time being land locked. This salt water Pisces/mermaid soul is aching to be near the ocean again!!! For multiple reasons, I needed to be in Nashville the last 13 yrs, but now it is time for a new chapter. I am a northeast coast woman and it is time to go back to an environment that fits who I am. Fourth, I will finish and publish the book I am writing and step full time into my work for “Awakenings” as a Spiritual Interpreter. I will expand my radio show, continue to write newsletters and start teaching seminars and webinars. My heart sings and dances at the thought! I breathe easier thinking about waking up to work I am joyously passionate about every day!
Thank you for being such a special part of my spiritual journey. May 2013 bring all of us a greater understanding of love for ourselves, each other and all that exists. And may human consciousness realize its oneness and “be” the light that God’s Love is.
Namaste’ (the divine in me honors and acknowledges the divine in you!),