2009 WOW Newsletters

The Frequency of Love and the 5th Dimension – August 6, 2009

You have all been hearing about the 5th dimension and 2012 from many resources but what does that mean? We will explain it by utilizing information provided in a book called Power vs. Force. In it the author, David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., describes the various vibrations of emotions that exist on your planet. Human consciousness has been averaging below 200 for centuries in victim frequencies such as greed, hatred, shame, judgment, war, racism, disease, hunger, quilt, slavery, famine, etc. Karma, rulers, religions, and politics have helped keep humanity in this victim consciousness. Two hundred is the level of courage in which a person stops blaming circumstances and projecting their emotions onto others. Instead, the person takes ownership and responsibility for what is happening in their life and starts to choose different thoughts and actions to create a different outcome.

Five hundred is the frequency of Love. At this level a person aligns with one’s spiritual light and is sourced from their heart and not their head. The frequency of Love is the ascension level your planet is targeted to reach by 2012. That is what our consciousness and many others are here to assist with. Do you remember what your planet felt like when there was an out pouring of love around the world after 911? When you are all vibrating at 500 — a level of acceptance, love and unity — your world will look, feel, sound and operate in a completely different way.

There have been many texts talking about the destruction and end of life on 12/21/12. Let us clarify that for you. The destruction is already in place. The old ways/structures are in the process of falling down…now. It is happening in certain businesses, religions and governments that have been operating out of greed, shame, guilt and class hierarchy. It is time for all of your “structures” to come from Love, equality, oneness, unity and abundance for all.

Your science has proven that everything on your planet is energy caused from molecular movement. Money is energy. There is an abundance of energy on your planet, plenty for all, but it has been managed by the elite to keep the majority of the population below the frequency of 200 and in a victim consciousness. That must shift for your planet and humanity to ascend. The purpose of 2012 is to vibrate at 500, the frequency of Love. That is when humanity and your planet will ascend to the 5th dimension.


The Wise Ones

Cell Memory, Karma and Forgiveness – August 20, 2009

We have asked Karen to write a newsletter for us on the new and full moon of each month. Since today is a full moon, we wish to talk about releasing.

Have you been wondering why you seem to be continually coming back around to the same patterns and issues that you thought you had already released? The soul’s ascension process is very similar to the layering of an onion. Each layer is wrapped around the same cell memory/karmic issues. So as you clear each layer of emotions, you get to a deeper level of the same issue. This is because the soul takes its emotional memory with it in each lifetime like a hard drive and downloads it into the next carbon structure/body the same as you would download a hard dive onto another computer. If you haven’t healed or released an emotional issue/pattern, it then returns each life time as cell memory/karma for you to have another opportunity to heal. That process is what creates your layers/files.

Up until this point, each of you has been releasing issues or old files one at a time. Each of those files is like an old bucket of water filled with water and settled dirt. When you pick out a file to address, it is like pouring a hose in the bucket to overflow out the dirt/cell memory. This is why so many of you have been detoxifying for so long. You have to clear the memory from your carbon structure/body to vibrate higher.

At the end of this 26,000 year galactic cycle and powerful time of ascension, all of you are – big time – in your face – getting asked to release the many, many, many old -older — very old files from all of your previous lives. When the magnetic resonance of the planet was high, you were so gravitated that it was virtually impossible to shift your resonating frequency and release these stored issues to achieve a higher vibration. Many countries, governments and people are so bogged under in karmic issues that it is literally and figuratively destroying them and each other. With the end of the 26,000 year cycle comes a lowering of the magnetic field around earth. There is now a huge window of opportunity for you to release all cell memory/karma if you choose.

As of the Summer Solstice of 2009, all files/cell memory/Karma are released if you choose to forgive and be grateful. How??? Know that all of the souls you have ever known, lovingly, contracted to take on roles in the plays of your lives to assist you in achieving the ascension process of enlightenment. Forgive them, thank them, bless them and release them so you can fly, play and create a life of Love from this day forward!


The Wise Ones

Be of the World – Focus on the Solutions and Others will Learn – September 5, 2009

When Karen was teaching the Laws of Attraction Classes, one of the lessons we gave her is: “there is no solution in the problem”. When you are focused on what is perceived as wrong, you are turned away from or are unable to see the solution, which results in more of the perceived problem. Per the Law of Attraction, what you focus on expands.

Now, we would like to expand that statement with an additional perspective. “When you are focused on the problem, others defend. When you are focused on the solution, others learn”. You may have heard the statement “be of the world, not in it”. That comes from an observer viewpoint, not a participant viewpoint.

With all the energetic shifts happening at this time on the planet, many of you are finding yourself vibrating at a different frequency then those around you. Karen has been finding herself exhausted by other people’s dramas. When she gets sucked into the drama of the story or the right/wrong judgments of the situation it is like being stuck in a spider web and she slowly but surely gets zapped of her energy. You all do. When you become a participant, you are “in the world”, focused on the problem and others defend their position.

We would like to offer a solution. Be “of the world” – be the observer and focus on a solution…focus on the possibilities…focus on what is right…focus on Love…focus on the spiritual light and essence of the person, place or thing. When you create that perspective and vantage point, you create an energetic clear space for growth and understanding of everyone involved. All of you learn from it. You will be able to maintain your frequency and provide an updraft, so to speak, for everyone around you to lift into. That way, “others learn” and everyone gets to fly at a higher frequency. The solution is that you continually create a more loving peaceful environment. Enjoy the view and the flight!


The Wise Ones

2012’s Polar Shift – The Heart Connection between Humans and Earth – September 20, 2009

We have been piecing pieces of information together for Karen recently that have accumulated to a greater picture of 2012. Many of you have been asking for answers and hearing many different facts and figures. Now that the completion of old energies has occurred on 9/9/09, you are at a different planetary frequency to hear more.

Many scholars studying the texts of the ancient civilizations talk about a polar shift occurring at the end of the 26,000 year cycle of the Mayan calendar. Many astrologists have been discussing the changes in the galaxy that are leading up to the astrological alignment the ancients wrote about. There are conflicting opinions as to whether or not the Earth’s poles will shift and how that might affect mankind. Recently, we had Karen listen to a Spiritual Cinema interview with Greg Braden. In it he distinguishes that the brain is a weak electrical magnetic field and the heart is the most powerful electrical magnetic field. He points out that …”we are born speaking the language of the magnetic field of the human heart that communicates with the very fields of the earth that are causing the change”. The Global Coherence Initiative is a science based organization that is placing sensors around the world for satellites to measure how the emotional collective consciousness of mankind affects earth. Yes, the choice humans make to be negative or positive has great impact on your planet and “natural disasters”. It is very important for all of you to know this.

How many times have you heard different teachers, texts, speakers, interpreters, and ascended masters advised you of the importance to shift from your brain and fear into your heart and Love? This is the major reason… when you shift into your heart center you will affect and align with the heart center of Mother Earth. Whatever shift she goes through you will be aligned with. More importantly, if humanity shifts its frequency to Love, Peace and Oneness, the resonance of Love will sustain your planet through the upcoming galactic changes. Remember what kinesiology studies have determined, one individual vibrating at a loving frequency counterbalances 750,000 individuals vibrating below the frequency of courage.

There is a powerful reason the ancients did not write the ending to 2012 or the beginning of 2013. It is because all of you get to choose what that will look like. What do you choose….Love or fear?


The Wise Ones

Be the Dance… or the Dancer? – October 4, 2009

When Karen dances it is as if she is one of the instruments the music is being played on. Her arms poignantly circle with each musical phrase and crescendo as the drum continually beats her body and legs into movement until the last vibration ends. It is quite beautiful to watch. Then we hear her mind start to wonder… is life the music and all of us one of its instruments? Is life the dance and each of us the dancer? But if life is the dance/music, and we are its instrument/ dancer, the only way to flow is to go with what life plays for us. Then we don’t have the power, life does. We then become a victim to life’s circumstances and our only choice is to flow or resist, isn’t it? Then, how do we create in that structure? Is it predetermined and we get to the same point either on the high road or the low road? Or are we the dance/music and life the dancer/instrument? Has that structure changed along with everything else? For good reason, neither one of those concepts felt right to her.

Let us clarify it for all of you. If life is the dance, then the music is flowing outside of you and you either harmonize with it or resist and get your toes/ego stepped on. However, if you are the dance and the music comes from your ego thoughts, life will show up as the dancer and you will continue to have your toes/ego stepped on because you will attract the mirror of fear that you are projecting out to others. Many of you mistakenly believe this is where your power is because this is where you can “manage”, “control”, and “manipulate” from. Let us make this point very clear to you; both of the above scenarios will keep you a victim in life with limited opportunities to manifest your dreams.

True power and creativity come from the heart center, from Love, integrity, joy and acceptance of every ones choices and beliefs. The piece Karen has been looking for and the power of ascension comes when your heart/spirit is the composer, you are the music/dance and life is the instrument/dancer you use to create and manifest your dreams with.


The Wise Ones

The Re-verb of Karma and Coloring your Canvas – October 20, 2009

The Autumn Equinox truly opened the clean slate of possibility for everyone on your Planet to powerfully step forward in ascension if you choose to. Our purpose is to assist you along that walk.

We can hear many of you say, “But if Karma is complete, why are we still going through so much yuck in our lives?” That is because many of you have Karma to clean up before you can powerfully step forward. Think about a storm. The wind, rain, thunder and lightning may end, but when the sun comes out, there are still many branches and tree limbs to pick up. Karma is also like throwing a rock into water. The size of the rock will affect the reverb and ripple that result. Many of you have been dealing with very large “rocks” of Karma and it will take time to calm the waters from the waves.

The fastest way to walk the walk of ascension and heal Karma once and for all is forgiveness. The fastest way to slam into walls, trees, people, pain, turmoil, illness, unhappiness and depression is to hold onto “wrongs” that you perceive were done to you, especially at this time of your planet’s evolution. If you don’t believe us just look at the events happening in your life when you judge things and make people, companies and events wrong. Two years ago if you slammed into something is was only at a rate of 10 to 100 miles an hour. Last year, that shifted to 100,000 miles an hour. This year it is about a million miles an hour. Remember that all of the souls who “wronged” you choose those roles with you before coming into this lifetime. The greater the love those souls have for you the more powerful their character will impact you to assist in the evolution of your souls growth. It is in the highest and greatest good for all to honor those commitments.

The Autumn Equinox has brought in the perfect energy for all of you to sit back and reflect on your life, choices, people, events and the words you speak to find the true colors of how you want to paint your new canvas. Forgiveness, Acceptance, Joy, Peace, Ease, Graciousness and Love will be the brightest, richest, most brilliant colors you can choose. They will keep you in the moment and align you with your highest self, God, spirit, oneness, unity, truth and universal wisdom. It is time to open your heart to compose the awe inspiring music of the most joyous dance you can dance and watch as all of your dreams, hope and desires manifest before you.


The Wise Ones

The End of Time and the Joy of Now – November 1, 2009

Recently, Karen and one of her friends were having a conversation. They were sharing that they feel like there is dullness in everyday life and that it almost feels like they are in a borderline depression. To avoid sinking in it they both focus on their intentions and take an action towards achieving it. “YEAH” (one of Karen’s favorite exclamations), you are right where you need to be in this ascension process!

How many times have you heard that you must shift from ego to spirit/heart? To let go of the ego/intellect/ left brain dominance means that you must let go of the past and all perceived hurts, wrongs and accomplishments that have defined you, written your story and labeled your existence. Think about it…those are all of the identities that have created and mirrored your past into your future. Letting them go means you no longer have a projected path to walk on. Again, we say “YEAH!!!”

Of course you will feel a sense of emptiness, loneliness and despair, as if you are lost or in a void because you no longer have those old definitions of yourself. Many of you are feeling forgetful – good, please forget. Many of you are feeling like thoughts keep disconnecting – good, you are creating new neurotransmitter thought patterns. Many of you are feeling aches, pains and joint problems – good; you are expanding physically to match your expanded consciousness. Many of you are dealing with infections and the flu – good; you are cleansing the reverb from your completed Karma. It is time for a new definition — you are Light, Love, Passion, Purpose, and Joy in every moment!

Karen recently chose a new intention for her life, “to stay in action doing everything with passion.” What does that mean? How do you live life without a past, future and labels? You continue to choose steps that align with your vision. As you take each step, do it with joy, enthusiasm and passion. These emotions will keep you in the now and your heart center. You can not feel joyful and be annoyed, angry, resentful, or fearful of someone else at the same time. If you can not do the activity with joy, do not…do not…do not do it. You will manifest dis-ease in your physical well being. Choose something else that you can be joyful about, or sit down, meditate and ask to be shown a different perspective about the situation. Remember, since energy is vibrating at greater speeds you will slam into situations much, much harder then ever before if you do it with resistance. Only do an activity when you can shift your thoughts to a neutral zone or Joy.

Remember, time is a structure of the ego that creates a past and future. As Gaia stated, “There will come a time when time will no longer come.” That time is now. The Now is full of Joy, Passion and Delight by simply choosing these perceptions of your Life. In that choice, there is no time, past or future, only a beautiful, peaceful, fulfilled, happy present. Enjoy!


The Wise Ones

*The Wise Ones wish to share this info with the world so please feel free to share this with your friends. And, you can now go to my website at www.awakenyourlight.com and sign up to be on the newsletter email list.

*There is now a donate tab on my website for anyone who feels spiritually sourced by this information to give a contribution. Thank you and keep soaring in the light of who you already are!

Karen & the Wise Ones were on Live Blog Talk Radio Show
Healing 4 Inner Peace on Sunday, 10-18-09

(Note: First 1/2 hour is a mediation that had several technical difficulties. The Wise Ones come on the last 90 minutes of the show. You can click on the play bar to move the recording over if you choose.)

The Wise Ones talked about the new energies of the Autumn Equinox, the reverb of Karma, and how to powerfully move forward in the walk of ascension and much more. Click Here to Listen

The Steps of Altitude/Attitude Adjustments and Three Times Christ Consciousness – November 16, 2009

Your planet has gone through many, many energy changes in the last few years. These changes are caused by either a celestial event or a shift in Mother Earth. Lately, the changes are a result of new energy vortexes opening up on your planet. This is what occurred on 11/11/2+0+0+9= 11.

So what does that mean? When the energy change is in earth it means that a new bed of crystals or mineral deposits are activated, creating a new wave of energy that flows over everything on your planet similar to the affect of wind across water. Think about what happens in a storm. A strong air current whips across the water causing stronger, higher than normal waves to hit shore. In the same manner, a new vortex of energy being activated in Earth causes an energy wave that blows around your planet with strong intensity and purpose. Like a wave from a storm it can knock you over if you are not centered, balanced and flexible to adjust with the movement.

Many of you keep thinking it will get easier but that is not exactly true. The ease only comes when you let go and flow with the current. Otherwise, the stronger and more powerful energy flow will bang you into what you are attempting to avoid or control. The more you resist, the more the energy wave will persist.

Each new vortex opens up new possibilities for a higher frequency of Light, Love, Truth, Grace and Peace for you and humanity to step into. In last night’s radio show, we described this as steps of “altitude frequency” adjustments. In essence it is like climbing Mount Everest. Every plateau you reach demands a shift in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attitude. You must constantly tweak with each step, each plateau and each peak that you reach. Where you were one hour ago or yesterday isn’t wrong, you just have to adapt to this new level of “altitude (and attitude) frequency”.

Your spiritual evolution is exactly the same. Remember, the higher you climb, the more often you must take time to adjust to the new altitude/attitude frequencies. Your planet just reached 11/11/2009 (11) – 11 representing Christ consciousness. In essence, you have just reached the peak of three times Christ consciousness. This is a much stronger wave. You are all being asked to tweak to a much higher altitude/attitude frequency to stay in balance. The more you can let go of and allow that continual adjustment, the more powerfully you can soar and flow in this ascension process.

Enjoy the ride…the flow is Love….if you choose.


The Wise Ones

*The Wise Ones wish to share this info with the world so please feel free to share this with your friends. And, you can now go to my website at www.awakenyourlight.com and sign up to be on the newsletter email list.

*There is now a donate tab on my website for anyone who feels spiritually sourced by this information to give a contribution. Thank you and keep soaring in the light of who you already are!

Karen & the Wise Ones were on Live Blog Talk Radio Show
Healing the Universe on Sunday, 10-18-09

The Wise Ones talked about the new energies of 11-11-2009 (11) and why you may be feeling what you are feeling depending on where you are in the process of releasing the reverb of Karma. They also gave the steps to take to move forward in this challenging new energy to powerfully walk through this ascension process and much more…

The Wise Ones talked about the new energies of the Autumn Equinox, the reverb of Karma, and how to powerfully move forward in the walk of ascension and much more. Click Here to Listen

Your Blind Side – December 2, 2009

Recently Karen went to see the movie “The Blind Side”, a fabulously true story about a young homeless boy taken in by a wealthy family. Known as Big Mike, the boy turned out to be an incredible football player. He played left tackle whose job it was to take care of the right handed quarterback’s blind side. We are here to talk with you about your blind side.

Sorry, but we don’t have left tackles for all of you, although, there are many angels and guides who probably have taken on that role for you at one time or another! So what is it? Your blind side is the automatic ego thought patterns that run you when you are not consciously in the Now. They are the patterns that react to situations rather then respond; that eat food by an automatic shoveling arm; that become enraged when something doesn’t go your way; that control every detail to force the flow the way your left brain knows it to be best, etc. In essence, your blind side is the left brain, hence the reason to need a left tackle!

How do you take care of it? There are several steps. First, you become conscious of your thoughts. Pause and breathe before speaking. Choose your responses and emotions by what feels good at this very moment, not what felt good yesterday, last week or a year ago. You and your world are not the same as any other moment in time, so why would your emotions be the same in this situation/play as they were in a previously similar situation? Think about it. In every play of a football game, the grass, weather, and opponent’s energy level are unique at that instance in time. It is the same with you in each moment of your day. Each play needs another tweak or altitude/attitude adjustment. Approach it from a new angle, physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. Any new “creative” approach will shift you into your right brain and a spiritual mindset. Old patterns align with the left brain. New patterns align with the right brain. And voila… instantly, you have just established a polar shift from brain/ego to heart/spirit.

Several newsletters ago, we told you to let your heart compose, your being dance and allow life to be the dancer of your music. In this dance, you no longer have a blind side. “Now” is the space to dance freely in and the place that life can truly create and lovingly flow as your dancer.


The Wise Ones