Peaceful Perfection of Joy – March 24, 2012

It’s been quite a week of adjustments on planet Earth. The Spring Equinox portal has opened, bringing a new astrological alignment for all energy to connect to. For many this has been exhausting, energetically taxing and emotionally draining. We say, “Of course it has been”. An equivalent energy analogy on your planet would be to go from the bottom of Mt Kilimanjaro to its top in one day. Interestingly, for those who were already vibrating in a higher frequency, you experienced a sigh of relief. Either way, welcome to the new possibilities!

And speaking of new possibilities, welcome to the first New Moon of this newest energy portal. There is an opportunity in the next week to soar forward in your acceptance and alignment with all that is. We will keep saying this over and over until it registers with all of you … when you accept that everything is right where it needs to be at the moment, you release resistance to having your dreams flow in. Resistance will cause dis-ease in your body and block the flow of your creations. Karen just learned a powerful lesson that we will share for all of you to learn from.

For five years Karen has been working in a medical center as an administrative assistant to pay the mortgage while she develops Awakenings, her spiritual interpreting work. Being a secretary was at the bottom of her list of appropriate jobs for her personality when she took the job skill tests in high school. Add to that the fact that she is a very bright light in a very low, victim type energy space each day that constantly attempts to put out the “uncomfortable “light. She did not want to be there and held onto beliefs that the practices of this organization where “wrong”. Unconsciously, she developed a lot of anger at herself for not knowing how to shift out of this work after many attempts to. The massive negativity she was around every day triggered her own victim thought patterns and it became a rut of feeling stuck in the muck of life. This wore out her immune system (resistance to dis-ease), allowing multiple infections (irritations, anger, annoyance) to set in. She coughed (a desire to be heard and seen) for four years and for the last year, has been dealing with swollen blistered lips (resistance, anger and inflamed thinking). Her spirit was literally screaming at her. As a result, she is now allergic to multiple foods and skin care product ingredients.

In a journey she did, God told her to accept that everything was perfect and ask her lips what they wanted her to learn. Once she exhausted all of the physical body “fix” solutions, she surrendered and thanks the perfection of everything each day. As a result, she finally feels more peaceful, is being treated with respect at work and has found answers to empower her well-being.

We tell you all of this for several reasons. To flow in this new energy, you must accept, allow and trust that everything in your life is perfect. It is exactly where you need to be to finish karmic lessons with other souls, learn new skills, be a source of light in a “dim area” or meet new connections for what is next in your soul’s evolution. This attitude will shift you to a higher frequency and allow you to float and play in the new portal of creative energy that has opened.

For years, Karen has asked God “Where is Joy? How do I Be Joy?” She has finally found the answer. Joy is the result of trusting, accepting, allowing and peacefully flowing in the perfection of all that is.


The Wise Ones